Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm a Mac commercials get the ax - Did they convince you?

A recent blog post (from another site) was posted posing the question, due to the announcement that Apple is ceasing its I'm a Mac commercials, "Were you convinced to purchase a Mac due to the I'm a Mac commercials?" - It's a great question and I'd be interested to hear your responses. My response to the original blog posting is below.

I’ll admit, I drank the koolaid and was swayed by the commercials. Nearly everything that the commercials portrayed by the PC were problems I experienced on a regular basis (or was fixing on some user’s PC). But it took more than the commercials to convince me.
I WORK in the IT field; surrounded by PC’s. I had finally had enough and after many conversations and questions to a close friend of technical saavy, I took the leap to Mac.
I LOVE my Macbook. I never once said, “I love my PC”. I still have my work-issued Dell laptop with Windows, but I never use it. I’m not only an IT professional, but also a business owner, web designer, and professional musician. I use my Macbook for all of these tasks and it works without a hitch and has a “natural fluidity” to it.
I’ll give MS props for Windows 7. It is finally a step in the right direction. I use my Win7 laptop to play Pandora through; so its basically a jukebox. Maybe THAT’s why I haven’t had any problems with it recently.
Hi, I’m a Mac and I’ll never go back
Kevin "Mr. IT

1 comment:

Harold Green said...

Windows 7 was NOT my idea.