- WinXP to Win7: Worth upgrading? - Probably
- Windows Vista to Win7: Worth upgrading? - Most Definitely
- Performance: Vista or Win7 - Hands down, Windows 7 performance is much better
- Performance: XP or Win7 - If you are using a multi-core / multi-proc PC, Win7 is faster than XP
- XP or Vista to Win7 upgrade cost: $120 (home premium), $200 (professional), $220 (ultimate)
- XP to Win7 upgrade path: "Custom" only. Not a true upgrade. Programs & settings lost. Backup required. Re-installation of programs required. Reconfiguration of custom settings required.
- Vista to Win7 upgrade path: Full upgrade available. Programs, files, settings remain intact (although we suggest you still do a custom, backup everything, perform a 'clean' install of Win7, reinstall apps, etc).
- Win7 32-bit or 64-bit: Stick with the 32-bit. Better compatibility. No compelling reason for 64-bit version of Win7
- Purchase / pricing information here
- Performance tests here
- Why Win7 over XP - Video Tours here
Courtesy of ZDNet.com
Windows 7 vs. Mac OS X? - We'll leave that to the philosophers... for now.
There is one compelling reason for 64-bit Win7 over 32-bit. Memory limitations...32-bit is limited to 4Gb of memory and if you are running any memory intensive apps, then 64-bit is the way to go.
Great point Dennis. Although most average PC users are lucky to have more than 2Gb of RAM and probably aren't running memory intensive apps requiring over 4Gb. But you're absolutely right... if they're PC has over 4Gb of RAM and their apps require tons of RAM, the 64-bit version of Win7 would be a good choice for those specific users.
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