Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Unprotected WiFi @ home = fines for owners - coming to America?

There was a recent article on ZDNet regarding a law in Germany that fines owners of WiFi networks, even in homes, that are unsecured. Is that type of a law coming to America? SHOULD it come to America? We would love to hear your thoughts on this. Not to turn this into a political blog, but I personally feel that the less government involvement into the personal lives of citizens, the better. That being said, you most definitely should lock down your WiFi network in the office or at home.

I'm a Mac commercials get the ax - Did they convince you?

A recent blog post (from another site) was posted posing the question, due to the announcement that Apple is ceasing its I'm a Mac commercials, "Were you convinced to purchase a Mac due to the I'm a Mac commercials?" - It's a great question and I'd be interested to hear your responses. My response to the original blog posting is below.

I’ll admit, I drank the koolaid and was swayed by the commercials. Nearly everything that the commercials portrayed by the PC were problems I experienced on a regular basis (or was fixing on some user’s PC). But it took more than the commercials to convince me.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Windows 7 - Is it worth upgrading?

  • WinXP to Win7: Worth upgrading? - Probably
  • Windows Vista to Win7: Worth upgrading? - Most Definitely
  • Performance: Vista or Win7 - Hands down, Windows 7 performance is much better
  • Performance: XP or Win7 - If you are using a multi-core / multi-proc PC, Win7 is faster than XP
  • XP or Vista to Win7 upgrade cost: $120 (home premium), $200 (professional), $220 (ultimate)
  • XP to Win7 upgrade path: "Custom" only. Not a true upgrade. Programs & settings lost. Backup required. Re-installation of programs required. Reconfiguration of custom settings required.
  • Vista to Win7 upgrade path: Full upgrade available. Programs, files, settings remain intact (although we suggest you still do a custom, backup everything, perform a 'clean' install of Win7, reinstall apps, etc).
  • Win7 32-bit or 64-bit: Stick with the 32-bit. Better compatibility. No compelling reason for 64-bit version of Win7
  • Purchase / pricing information here
  • Performance tests here
  • Why Win7 over XP - Video Tours here

Courtesy of

Windows 7 vs. Mac OS X? - We'll leave that to the philosophers... for now.

3G vs WiFi only (Apple iPad)

  • Will you need Inet access everywhere - Yes
  • Will you take your iPad almost everywhere you go - Yes
  • Is AT&T's 3G and the iPad 3G required to be online everywhere - No
  • Are there alternatives to AT&T's 3G - Yes
  • Are 4G wireless data plans available - Yes
  • Is 4G really up to 10 times (or more) faster than 3G - Yes
  • iPad WiFi only - $499 (16Gb model)
  • iPad 3G + WiFi - $629 (16Gb model)

One question I get all the time about the iPad is WiFi only model or 3G? There are some factors to consider when making this decision. Ask yourself this question: Do my usual daily "stomping grounds" ALL provide WiFi hotspots? Don't kid yourself. You WILL want to take your iPad with your practically everywhere you go?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

iPad Review

  • Affordable, mobile alternative to laptop (for non power users)
  • Totally new class of computing device
  • Gorgeous Video
  • 10 hour battery life
  • Thousands of incredible apps
  • Email, web surf, YouTube, movies (NetFlix), gaming, news consumption from virtually anywhere
  • Remote control / administration of desktops, laptops, and servers - on the go (VPN, VNC, Remote Desktop)
  • Enjoy your photo, video, and music library (iTunes)
  • Purchase music, movies, and TV shows right from iPad (no connection to computer required)
  • eBook reader in full color
  • Powerful processor for mobile device

  • No Camera
  • No USB expansion slots

Pandora Radio - Free vs. Premium

Free Version:
  • Internet based music radio
  • Free version sufficient for most
  • Limited to 40 hours of listening hours per month
  • Great variety of musical genres and artists
  • Very few ads for free edition users
  • Moderate quality audio stream
  • Apps for iPod, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Android + web-based for Windows / Mac

Premium Version (Pandora One):
  • No Ads