Friday, September 27, 2013

Google+ and Facebook - To Leave or Not to Leave

Google+ and Facebook
To Leave or Not to Leave
That is the question

I'm a huge fan of Google services. I use Google Apps, Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Voice, Google Chrome, Blogger, and of course, Google Search. I participated in the Google Wave beta and loved it. But when Google+ (aka plus) came out, I wasn't sure if it was worth all the hype, or worth trying out.  But then I received an invitation to Google+. I've used the new Google service for about 2 weeks. But it seems like 2 months. Its familiar, comfortable. Maybe partially because of my experience with Facebook and MySpace, maybe partially due to the familiar Google "feel". I've heard / read from a few that its just another Facebook. "It looks just like it. Why would I switch?" But, its not. I assure you.

***UPDATE (Sept '13): Since posting this article Google+ is, obviously, no longer in BETA. And I also decided to leave Facebook and deleted my account permanently. It's been several months now and I don't miss it in the least bit. The screen became so cluttered, no longer a clean UI, the "friends" list was unmanageable, the games and ads were out of control, and the fun "share your happenings with friends" feeling was gone. It became the dumping ground for everyone's political views; both left and right. Some I agreed with, most I didn't, some that were absolute made-up garbage about figures from both parties, and all of which I didn't really care to read. I can turn on MSNBC or Fox News or talk radio if I want to hear some ramble on about politics. "I think I'll switch parties and vote for the other guy because of a post from a 'friend' on Facebook..." said no one... EVER! In stark contrast, the posts on Google+ are intelligent, thoughtful posts about many great topics... and even a few great "my family went to...and had fun" posts; which I enjoy occasionally. Fellow Google plus'ers post about technology, music, music technology, awesome photos of their travels (usually by real photographers), interesting news, funny videos, sports, etc. Now, if we can just all keep it this way and not stray into Facebook land, Google+ will remain a great social network.***

  • Familiar Google feel
  • Easy-to-use, Clean interface / navigation
  • Better Privacy Control through Circles
  • Better flexibility with controls over individual posts, etc.
  • Hangouts (awesome video conferencing tool)
  • Integration with existing Google services (i.e. you can +1 a search result in Google Search)
  • Cleaner navigation of notifications
  • Sparks (quick access to news feeds / topics of interest)
  • Great mobile app for accessing / posting on the go
  • Beautiful, consolidated view of friends photos, your photos, your mobile photos, etc.
  • Simple management of Friends, Family, Acquaintances
  • No spam
  • No Farmville
  • No Angry Birds 
  • A chance to start over with a clean set of friends 
  • Ability to separate friends from acquaintances

  • Low Traffic (due to low friend count, due to beta status) - But more friends join weekly (This is no longer considered a Con. I love the fact that I don't have a million "FRIENDS" on Google+)

The only thing left to be seen is whether or not it can pick up and maintain enough steam to stay alive (why do I suddenly hear the Bee Gees in my head? Great! Another ear-worm to try get out). Many Google projects have made it to the mainstream, and some have become the de facto standard (i.e. Search). But many have gone to the Google graveyard never to be seen again (wave, buzz, etc.). This gives reason to pause and consider whether or not its a safe bet to leave or not to leave Facebook. Thus far, many of my friends, family, co-workers have joined me on Google+ already... and I've only been on for 2 weeks and its a closed, invitation only, beta.

With all the privacy issues, spam, wall posts about stupid games, and lumping of everybody into a group called "Friends", I think it maybe time to make the permanent transition to G+ and leave FB behind.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, G+ experiences, FB experiences, and if you're considering leaving FB for G+.

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